Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm Scootn'

Well, I did it. I got the bike. After much thought, prayer and discussion with Heather, I finally bought a scooter. And it's awesome! I still need to tag it and get my motorcycle endorsement. But in the meantime I've been driving all around the neighborhood.

Since my last entry, I had a birthday (27th). I got an iPod nano from my bro . . . thanks bro. And me and Heather drove down to Austin, Texas to hang out by our lonesomes. We stayed in a dump, but the city was beautiful. We watched the 1.5 million bats fly out from the Congress Ave. bridge and walked up and down SoCo to see the shops, etc. It was nice to just be together, out of our element . . . together.

Heather's now 7 months pregnant. We're still expecting our little man to arrive on November 30! We're excited to meet him.

To anyone who reads this, keep your eyes open. The world is changing. The return of our Lord is getting closer everyday. To those who may not know the Lord Jesus, I invite you to post a comment and include your email address to learn about how you can. To those who already know the joy of having a relationship with him, be urgent and willing to share his love with anyone who needs Him.

Good night all.


Blogger Yo-Mo-Fo said...

You look totally hot on your "hog"!!! What? Well I'm sure if other endorsers don't come forward, Walt Disney will sure back you up if you know what I mean. I wish I was there on the back of that sweeeeet bike with ya, man, heather really doesn't know how well she has it...Anyways my scootin ferry-larry I was thinking about how cool it would be if the Lord did come back today or tommorrow or like the day after that. Your Thoughts!!

2:55 PM  
Blogger jake and erin said...


If you weren't married I would totally think you swing for the other team....

Actually scooters are cool... and I'm just to repressed to realize it....

A-mobilizer told me about your blog... so now I'm commenting....
Thanks for coming to Texas and not telling me. Oh... and thanks for not telling me you're having another baby.

We are totally not friends....

Nonetheless... I think you are a beautiful man.



9:47 PM  
Blogger CCR said...

I concur with Jake (as opposed to 'I agree w/ Jesse'). Artistically inclined suburban soccer-dad-in-training scooter rider ... in a word: metrosexual.

By the way I'm moving into your city ... which was really mine in the first place. If you don't personally welcome me, I too will renounce our friendship.

Hididdly-ho & I'm out.

2:07 PM  

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